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Your search returned 284 results. You searched for Genus: COFFEA. This is page 15 of 29

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
53561RUBIACEAE Coffea spCoffee beansIndiaCoffee beans
53562RUBIACEAE Coffea spCoffee beansBangladeshCoffee beans
53563RUBIACEAE Coffea spNyasaland Coffee beansNyasaland Coffee beansLewis & Peat
53564RUBIACEAE Coffea stenophyllaCoffeeSierra LeoneCoffeeGovt of Sierra Leone
53565RUBIACEAE Coffea spLiberian CoffeeIndonesiaLiberian CoffeeScheffer DR
53567RUBIACEAE Coffea spCoffee Leaf TeaIndiaCoffee Leaf TeaShortt John
53568RUBIACEAE Coffea stenophyllaCoffee BeansSierra LeoneCoffee BeansBaikie Dr
53569RUBIACEAE Coffea stenophyllaCoffee BeansTrinidad and TobagoCoffee BeansCarmody Prof P Dept of Agric
53570RUBIACEAE Coffea spCoffee BeansCoffee BeansLaw W & G
53571RUBIACEAE Coffea spCoffee Leaf TeaIndiaCoffee Leaf TeaShortt J

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