Coffee Beans - Specimen details

Coffee Beans - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 53569

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Plant Name 84.01 RUBIACEAE Coffea stenophylla Entry Book Number 18.1911
Artefact Name Coffee Beans Vernacular Name
Iso Country Trinidad and Tobago TDWG Region Trinidad and Tobago
Parts Held Coffee Beans Geography Description Trinidad
Uses Coffee BeansUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Carmody Prof P Dept of Agric Donor No
Donor Date 23/02/1911 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Royal Gardens Kew, Museum, Memorandum. Subject: Report on a sample of coffee (Coffea stenophylla) received from the Department of Agriculture - Trinidad Feb 27th 1911. Director, I have submitted the sample to a coffee expert in Mincing Lane, , London E.C. who classifies it as a very small coffee, not evenly cured and apparently immature. The colour is an improvement - upon that of African (Angola) coffee and coffee of this description would realise in the London market at the present time fro, m 56/- to 57/- per cwt. It may however be noted that the present market value of this product is somewhat high. It is suggested that a larger bean would find a better market and that the berry should be fully ripe before picking; should be carefully pulpe, d and the seeds washed and forwarded here in the parchment for the final processes. Signed The Keeper 3/3/1911.

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