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Your search returned 915 results. You searched for the family: BURSERACEAE. This is page 32 of 92

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
63185BURSERACEAE Boswellia spAfrican Balsam of CopaibaAfrican Balsam of CopaibaEdwards Bros Liverpool
63186BURSERACEAE Boswellia spResinIndiaResinIndia Museum
63187BURSERACEAE Boswellia spResinResinLunt W
63188BURSERACEAE Boswellia spResinIndiaResinCol & Ind Exhib 1886
63189BURSERACEAE Boswellia spResinIndiaResinEast Indian Museum
63190BURSERACEAE Boswellia spPortion of BranchPortion of BranchWykehan Perry W
63191BURSERACEAE Boswellia spResinResinLunt W
63192BURSERACEAE Boswellia papyriferaBarkEthiopiaBarkMeyer FG
63193BURSERACEAE Boswellia spResinResinBM (Botany Dept)
63194BURSERACEAE Boswellia frereanaFrankincenseSomaliaFrankincense

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