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Your search returned 20 results. You searched for the Kew Use: 77930. This is page 2 of 2

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
62150ANACARDIACEAE Semecarpus anacardiumFruitIndiaFruitParis Exhibition 1900
62546ANACARDIACEAE Anacardium occidentaleBarkPortugalBarkPharm Soc GB
66970FLACOURTIACEAE Hydnocarpus kurziiSoap and OintmentIndiaSoap and OintmentWrasanna Kumar Sen, Chittagong
69002LINACEAE Linum albumStems & Flowers - PERSIAN DRUGSIranStems & Flowers - PERSIAN DRUGS
69020SOLANACEAE Physalis alkekengiFruits - PERSIAN DRUGSIranFruits - PERSIAN DRUGS
69021SOLANACEAE Physalis alkekengiPowdered Fruits - PERSIAN DRUGSIranPowdered Fruits - PERSIAN DRUGS
69162ARALIACEAE Eleutherococcus henryiWood - CHINESE DRUGSWood - CHINESE DRUGS
69364ARALIACEAE Eleutherococcus henryiRoot bark - CHINESE DRUGSChinaRoot bark - CHINESE DRUGS
69508ARACEAE Pistia stratiotesPlant - CHINESE DRUGSChinaPlant - CHINESE DRUGS
72848BORAGINACEAE Anchusa strigosaLeavesPakistanLeavesDalziell NA

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