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Your search returned 9090 results. You searched for the Plant Part: Seed. This is page 4 of 909

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
26577 UMBELLIFERAE Coriandrum sativumCoriander seeds, Flax clothEgyptCoriander seeds, Flax clothEgypt Explor. Soc.
26584BORAGINACEAE Cordia myxaSeeds and piece of potteryEgyptSeeds and piece of potteryGriffith F
26602MORACEAE Ficus sycomorusSeedEgyptSeedHepper FNMartin GT
26625POACEAE Hordeum vulgareWine jar bungEgyptWine jar bungHepper FN
26626 POACEAE Hordeum vulgareSeed and fruitEgyptSeed and fruitUniversity College LondonFlinders Petrie W
26628POACEAE Seeds from garlandEgyptSeeds from garlandSchweinfurth DrSchweinfurth GA
26632 POACEAE Hordeum spSeedEgyptSeedBM (Nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W
26643LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSOIDEAE Acacia SeedEgyptSeedBM (Nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W
26644LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE Lens culinaris Medikus Subsp. culinarisSeedEgyptSeedBM (nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W
26646LINACEAE Linum usitatissimumSeedEgyptSeedBM (Nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W

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