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Your search returned 68 results. You searched for Genus: Thrinax. This is page 4 of 7

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
73706PALMAE Thrinax radiataWood and barkUnited StatesWood and barkFisher J, Ewers F, Gasson P, Curtis A
73708PALMAE Coccothrinax miraguamaWoodUnited StatesWoodFisher J, Ewers F, Gasson P, Curtis A
73724PALMAE Coccothrinax miraguamaWood and barkUnited StatesWood and barkFisher J, Ewers F, Gasson P, Curtis A
73730PALMAE Thrinax radiataWood and barkUnited StatesWood and barkFisher J, Ewers F, Gasson P, Curtis A
74116PALMAE Thrinax radiatawood & barkUnited Stateswood & bark
74141PALMAE Coccothrinax miraguama ssp.roseocarpawood & barkUnited Stateswood & bark
74145PALMAE Coccothrinax barbadensiswood & barkUnited Stateswood & bark
74146PALMAE Thrinax radiatawood & barkUnited Stateswood & bark
74149PALMAE Coccothrinax miraguama ssp.roseocarpawood & barkUnited Stateswood & bark
75943 PALMAE Coccothrinax argentataBrushCayman IslandsBrushVernon A

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