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Your search returned 2250 results. You searched for the TDWG region: Malaya. This is page 3 of 225

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
389ANNONACEAE Polyalthia spMalaysiaWoodFor. Dept.
391ANNONACEAE Polyalthia spMalaysiaWoodHerb. KewKochummen KM
411ANNONACEAE Xylopia caudataMalaysiaWoodFor. Dept.
414ANNONACEAE Xylopia ferrugineaMalaysiaWoodHerb. KewCarrick J
419ANNONACEAE Xylopia temblingensisMalaysiaWoodFor. Dept. FMS
428ANNONACEAE Xylopia caudataMalaysiaWoodFor. Dept.
429ANNONACEAE Xylopia fuscaMalaysiaWoodFor. Dept.
485MENISPERMACEAE Arcangelisia flavaMalaysiaWoodHerb. KewWeber JF
619BIXACEAE Bixa orellanaMalaysiaWoodCarrick J
715FLACOURTIACEAE Homalium longifoliumMalaysiaWoodFor. Dept. Malaya

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