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Your search returned 50 results. you searched for Genus: Strobilanthes. This is page 3 of 5

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
73753ACANTHACEAE Strobilanthes walkeriWood and barkSri LankaWood and barkScotland RW, Jayaselsara PJ
73754ACANTHACEAE Strobilanthes sexennisWood and barkSri LankaWood and barkScotland RW, Jayaselsara PJ
73755ACANTHACEAE Strobilanthes ancepsWood and barkSri LankaWood and barkScotland RW, Jayaselsara PJ
73756ACANTHACEAE Strobilanthes viscosaWood and barkSri LankaWood and barkScotland RW, Jayaselsara PJ
73757ACANTHACEAE Strobilanthes pulcherrimaWood and barkSri LankaWood and barkScotland RW, Jayaselsara PJ
73758ACANTHACEAE Strobilanthes calycinaWood and barkSri LankaWood and barkScotland RW, Jayaselsara PJ
73759ACANTHACEAE Strobilanthes pulcherrimaWood and barkSri LankaWood and barkScotland RW, Jayaselsara PJ
73760ACANTHACEAE Strobilanthes viscosaWood and barkSri LankaWood and barkScotland RW, Jayaselsara PJ
73761ACANTHACEAE Strobilanthes pulcherrimaWood and barkSri LankaWood and barkScotland RW, Jayaselsara PJ
91901 ACANTHACEAE Strobilanthes cusiaJacket dyed with natural indigoChinaJacket dyed with natural indigoBalfour-Paul JBalfour-Paul J

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