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Your search returned 3640 results. You searched for the Plant Part: 6. This is page 2 of 364

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
26773STYRACACEAE Styrax benzoinBenzoin and impregnated mummy clothEgyptBenzoin and impregnated mummy clothHaworth JesseFlinders Petrie W
26824FAMILY UNKNOWN ExudateEgyptExudateSpurrell FCJ
26825FAMILY UNKNOWN ExudateEgyptExudateNewberry PEFlinders Petrie W
26874FAMILY UNKNOWN Resin apparently MyrrhEgyptResin apparently MyrrhSpurrell FCJ
26875FAMILY UNKNOWN Resin found on the cloth of a mummyEgyptResin found on the cloth of a mummyHaworth JesseFlinders Petrie W
27170ARAUCARIACEAE Agathis australisResinNew ZealandResinBarry T Hedley
27171ARAUCARIACEAE Agathis australisPale scraped dial gumNew ZealandPale scraped dial gumBarry T Hedley
27172ARAUCARIACEAE Agathis australisResinNew ZealandResinBarry T Hedley
27173ARAUCARIACEAE Agathis australisKauri ResinNew ZealandKauri ResinRoyal Commissioners Exhib. 1851
27174ARAUCARIACEAE Agathis australisKauri resinNew ZealandKauri resinBarry T Hedley

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