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Your search returned 23 results. You searched for Genus: Plectranthus. This is page 2 of 3

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
75333LABIATAE Plectranthus rubropunctatuswood and barkSwazilandwood and barkPrior JAB
75355LABIATAE Plectranthus barbatuswood and barkSwazilandwood and barkPrior JAB
75428LABIATAE Plectranthus spwood and barkSwazilandwood and barkPrior JAB
99448LABIATAE Plectranthus esculentusSample of rootsNigeriaSample of rootsPaton, AlanKyesmu, P.M.
99449LABIATAE Plectranthus esculentusFlowering stemNigeriaFlowering stemPaton, AlanKyesmu, P.M.
99450LABIATAE Plectranthus esculentusSample of plant partsNigeriaSample of plant partsPaton, AlanKyesmu, P.M.
99451LABIATAE Plectranthus esculentusFlowering stemNigeriaFlowering stemPaton, AlanKyesmu, P.M.

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