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Your search returned 135 results. You searched for the family: VITACEAE. This is page 12 of 14

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
69120VITACEAE Vitis serianifoliaRoot - CHINESE DRUGSJapanRoot - CHINESE DRUGS
69595VITACEAE Vitis serianifoliaRoots - CHINESE DRUGSChinaRoots - CHINESE DRUGS
71115VITACEAE Vitis viniferaWoodPortugalWoodBowes Loddiges G
74755VITACEAE Tetrastigma megacarpumwood & barkBruneiwood & barkDr Ken Ogata
75125VITACEAE Cissus dinklageiwood and barkCameroonwood and barkKribi HerbariumParren MPE
75189VITACEAE Cissus dinklageiwood and barkCameroonwood and barkKribi herbariumElad
75447VITACEAE Rhoicissus tridentatawood and barkSwazilandwood and barkPrior JAB
75465VITACEAE Rhoicissus revoiliiwood and barkSwazilandwood and barkPrior JAB
75500VITACEAE Rhoicissus rhomnoideawood and barkSwazilandwood and barkPrior JAB
75617VITACEAE Rhoicissus tridentatawood and barkSwazilandwood and barkPrior JAB

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