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Your search returned 104 results. You searched for the Kew Use: Tobacco pipes. This is page 9 of 11

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
67626SOLANACEAE Pipe made of various woodsPipe made of various woodsMullinger CB
67627ACERACEAE Acer campestreTobacco pipeTobacco pipeDaniel Dr
67631ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Tobacco Pipe of Cherry WoodTobacco Pipe of Cherry WoodThiselton Dyer Lady
67641PROTEACEAE Hakea leucopteraWood and pipeWood and pipeKoppenhagen Julius, Salmon & Gluckstein Ltd
67642SOLANACEAE Japanese tobacco pipe and case of boneJapanJapanese tobacco pipe and case of bonePritchett RT
67643SOLANACEAE Clay Kampta pipeIndiaClay Kampta pipeIndia Museum
67644SOLANACEAE Tobacco pipe of woodOmanTobacco pipe of wood
67645POACEAE Tobacco pipeChinaTobacco pipeO`Brien PE
67646SOLANACEAE Tobacco pipe of woodTobacco pipe of wood
67647SOLANACEAE Ornate carved tobacco pipeOrnate carved tobacco pipe

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