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Your search returned 109 results. You searched for the TDWG region: Socotra. This is page 5 of 11

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
16189BUXACEAE Buxus hildebrandtiiYemenWoodSmith AR
16190BUXACEAE Buxus hildebrandtiiYemenWoodSmith AR
16851MORACEAE Ficus salicifoliaYemenWoodSchweinfurth Dr
16857MORACEAE Ficus socotranaYemenWoodSchweinfurth Dr
16882MORACEAE Ficus vastaYemenWoodSmith AR
16883MORACEAE Ficus vastaYemenWoodSmith AR
20387GERANIACEAE Dirachma spYemenWoodSmith AR
22266LYTHRACEAE Punica protopunicaYemenWoodSmith AR
23015ASCLEPIADACEAE Dregea arabicaYemenWoodSmith AR
23175ACANTHACEAE Ballochia atrovirgataYemenWoodSmith AR

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