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Your search returned 129 results. You searched for the Plant Part: Oil. This is page 5 of 13

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
94522LEGUMINOSAE-CAESALPINIOIDEAE Copaifera spPara copaibaPara copaibaHarrod Materia Medica CollectionPSGBE
94523LEGUMINOSAE-CAESALPINIOIDEAE Copaifera spLimpid copaibaLimpid copaibaHarrod Materia Medica CollectionPSGBE
94528LEGUMINOSAE-CAESALPINIOIDEAE Copaifera spCopaibaCopaibaHarrod Materia Medica CollectionPSGBE
96376EUPHORBIACEAE Triadica sebiferaBorneo vegetable tallowIndonesiaBorneo vegetable tallowHarrod Materia Medica CollectionPSGBE
96548ANACARDIACEAE Rhus succedaneaWhite wax from IndiaWhite wax from IndiaHarrod Materia Medica CollectionPSGBE
96550ANACARDIACEAE Rhus succedaneaJapan waxJapan waxHarrod Materia Medica Collection
96553FLACOURTIACEAE Hydnocarpus laurifoliaHydnocarpus oilHydnocarpus oilHarrod Materia Medica Collection
96556EUPHORBIACEAE Ricinus communisJamaica castor oilJamaicaJamaica castor oilHarrod Materia Medica CollectionBalfour, Thomas Alexander Goldie
96575LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE Arachis hypogaeaRefined ground nut oilRefined ground nut oilHarrod Materia Medica Collection
96577EUPHORBIACEAE Ricinus communisCastor oil steroptensCastor oil steroptensHarrod Materia Medica CollectionPSGBE

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