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Your search returned 231 results. You searched for Genus: Theobroma. This is page 11 of 24

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
65163STERCULIACEAE Theobroma cacaoPod with seedsPod with seeds
65164STERCULIACEAE Theobroma cacaoFruits and seedsTrinidad and TobagoFruits and seedsPrestoe H
65165STERCULIACEAE Theobroma cacaoLeaf & FruitVenezuelaLeaf & FruitTerry J & Co
65166STERCULIACEAE Theobroma cacaoFruit and seedsGrenadaFruit and seedsCol & Ind Exhib
65167STERCULIACEAE Theobroma cacaoLeaf & FruitVenezuelaLeaf & FruitTerry J & Co
65168STERCULIACEAE Theobroma martianaFruitsBrazilFruitsSpruce, RichardSpruce, Richard
65169STERCULIACEAE Theobroma glaucumFruitsBrazilFruitsTrail Prof JWH
65170STERCULIACEAE Theobroma leiocarpaPodPod
65171STERCULIACEAE Theobroma leiocarpaFruitDominicaFruitJones J
65172STERCULIACEAE Theobroma pentagonaOuter shell of podNicaraguaOuter shell of podHart JH

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