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Your search returned 212 results. You searched for Genus: Rosa. This is page 11 of 22

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
73044ROSACEAE Rosa sp.Wax model of rosesWax model of rosesMintorn Mrs
73076ROSACEAE Rosa sp.FruitPakistanFruit
74419FLACOURTIACEAE Ryparosa cf. acuminatawoodBruneiwoodDr Ken Ogata
74593FLACOURTIACEAE Ryparosa sp.wood & barkBruneiwood & barkDr Ken Ogata
76240FLACOURTIACEAE Ryparosa spWoodBruneiWoodAtkins S, Cowley EJ, Davies S et al
76932ROSACEAE Rosa moschataRose oil, GermanRose oil, GermanPharm Soc GB
76933 ROSACEAE Rosa damascenaRosa damascena oil, SaxonicRosa damascena oil, SaxonicPharm Soc GB
77073ROSACEAE Rosa sp.StearopteneStearoptenePharm Soc GB
78345ROSACEAE Rosa caninaFruitFruitPharm Soc GB
78352ROSACEAE Rosa centifoliaInflorescenceInflorescencePharm Soc GB

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