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Your search returned 991 results. You searched for Genus: PRUNUS. This is page 59 of 100

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
79604ROSACEAE Prunus laurocerasusWoodSpainWoodLaboratory of wood technology, Higher school of Mountain Engineers, Spain
90011ROSACEAE Prunus niipponicaWood and barkJapanWood and barkForestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan
90014ROSACEAE Prunus zippelianaWood and barkJapanWood and barkForestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan
90114ROSACEAE Prunus persicaWood and barkSwazilandWood and barkPrior JAB
90422ROSACEAE Prunus serotinaCherry KernelsCherry KernelsBush Boake AllenBush Boake Allen
90599ROSACEAE Prunus serotinaWild cherry barkWild cherry barkBush Boake AllenBush Boake Allen
90690ROSACEAE Prunus serotinaWild cherry barkWild cherry barkBush Boake AllenBush Boake Allen
90704ROSACEAE Prunus armenaicaAustralian apricot kernelsAustralian apricot kernelsBush Boake AllenBush Boake Allen
91426ROSACEAE Prunus padusWoodPakistanWoodBooth
92778ROSACEAE Prunus dulcisJordan almondJordan almondHarrod Materia Medica CollectionPurchased.

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