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Your search returned 991 results. You searched for Genus: PRUNUS. This is page 57 of 100

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
77599ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Persian insoluble gumsPersian insoluble gumsPharm Soc GB
77915ROSACEAE Prunus dulcisAmygdalinAmygdalinPharm Soc GB
78365ROSACEAE Prunus persicaInflorescenceInflorescencePharm Soc GB
78539ROSACEAE Prunus spinosaGumGumPharm Soc GB
78551ROSACEAE Prunus cerasusGumGumPharm Soc GB
78769ROSACEAE Prunus eburneaGumPakistanGumSchool of Chemistry, The University of Edinburgh
78823ROSACEAE Prunus spinosaSloe ginUnited KingdomSloe ginHelen SandersonHelen Sanderson
78940 ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Prayer beads made from seedsChinaPrayer beads made from seedsSmith, RuthSmith, Ruth
78941ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Prayer beadsChinaPrayer beadsRuth SmithRuth Smith
78942ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Prayer beadsChinaPrayer beadsRuth SmithRuth Smith

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