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Your search returned 991 results. You searched for Genus: PRUNUS. This is page 56 of 100

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
75977ROSACEAE Prunus armenaicaSeedsKuwaitSeedsBishop J
76034ROSACEAE Prunus africanaBarkEquatorial GuineaBarkSunderland TSunderland T
76254ROSACEAE Prunus sp.WoodBruneiWoodPrance GT, Dransfield J & S
76366ROSACEAE Prunus dulcisSweet almond oil (and other essential oils)EgyptSweet almond oil (and other essential oils)
76370ROSACEAE Prunus africanaOuter bark of treeOuter bark of treeMadaus, AG
76447 ROSACEAE Prunus dulcisBenzoic aldehydeBenzoic aldehydePharm Soc GB
76893 ROSACEAE Prunus dulcisBitter almond oilBitter almond oilPharm Soc GB
76894 ROSACEAE Prunus persicaBitter almond oilBitter almond oilPharm Soc GB
76895ROSACEAE Prunus laurocerasusCherry laurel oilCherry laurel oilPharm Soc GB
76896 ROSACEAE Prunus serotinaWild cherry bark oilWild cherry bark oilPharm Soc GB

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