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Your search returned 991 results. You searched for Genus: PRUNUS. This is page 50 of 100

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
61634ROSACEAE Prunus armeniacaKernelsChinaKernelsPharm Soc GB
61638ROSACEAE Prunus amygdalusAlmondsAlmondsPharm Soc GB
61649ROSACEAE Prunus cerasusCherry StonesCherry StonesPharm Soc GB
64386ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Bobbins of Plum woodUnited KingdomBobbins of Plum woodDyer Mrs
67631ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Tobacco Pipe of Cherry WoodTobacco Pipe of Cherry WoodThiselton Dyer Lady
67650ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Tobacco pipeFranceTobacco pipeDyer Prof WT
67651ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Tobacco pipeTobacco pipeChapman PG
67676ROSACEAE Prunus mahalebWood used for pipe stems and walking sticksHungaryWood used for pipe stems and walking sticksHungarian Exhibition, London
67677ROSACEAE Prunus spinosaRough and smooth whiphandlesUnited KingdomRough and smooth whiphandlesSwaine & Adeney
67679ROSACEAE Prunus calycosusStickAfghanistanStickAitchison Dr

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