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Your search returned 991 results. You searched for Genus: PRUNUS. This is page 44 of 100

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
57470ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Barrington PeachModel of fruit - Barrington Peach
57471ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Goshawk PeachModel of fruit - Goshawk Peach
57472ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Earliest of All PeachModel of fruit - Earliest of All Peach
57473ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Lady Palmerston PeachModel of fruit - Lady Palmerston Peach
57474ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Golden Eagle PeachModel of fruit - Golden Eagle Peach
57476ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Duchess of York PeachModel of fruit - Duchess of York Peach
57477ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Sea Eagle PeachModel of fruit - Sea Eagle Peach
57478ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Pitmaston Orange NectarinePitmaston Orange Nectarine
57480ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Albatross PeachModel of fruit - Albatross Peach
57481ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Darwin NectarineModel of fruit - Darwin Nectarine

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