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Your search returned 991 results. You searched for Genus: PRUNUS. This is page 43 of 100

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
57460ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of prune - Washington GageModel of prune - Washington Gage
57461ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of nectarine - Pineapple NectarineModel of nectarine - Pineapple Nectarine
57462ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of plum - President PlumModel of plum - President Plum
57463ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of plum - Old GreengageModel of plum - Old Greengage
57464ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of Plum - Late Transparent GageModel of Plum - Late Transparent Gage
57465ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of peach - Princess of WalesModel of peach - Princess of Wales
57466ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - River's Orange NectarineModel of fruit - River's Orange Nectarine
57467ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Peregrine PeachModel of fruit - Peregrine Peach
57468ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Hale's Early PeachModel of fruit - Hale's Early Peach
57469ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Model of fruit - Walburton Admiral PeachModel of fruit - Walburton Admiral Peach

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