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Your search returned 991 results. You searched for Genus: PRUNUS. This is page 25 of 100

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
40678ROSACEAE Prunus amygdalusAlmonds from pre-christian Egyptian siteEgyptAlmonds from pre-christian Egyptian siteCarter HCarter H
40693ROSACEAE Prunus persicaPeach stonesEgyptPeach stonesNewberry Percy E
40698ROSACEAE Prunus amygdalusModern and ancient almondsEgyptModern and ancient almondsFlinders Petrie W
44841ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Two wooden recordersChinaTwo wooden recordersHooker Sir JD
53404ROSACEAE Prunus lauro-cerasusFruits and leavesFruits and leavesPharm Soc GB
56156ROSACEAE Prunus persicaEssential oil of peach kernelsEssential oil of peach kernelsPharm Soc GB
56187ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Malaga ValenciaMalaga ValenciaPharm Soc GB
56188ROSACEAE Prunus sp.CanaryCanaryPharm Soc GB
56189ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Sicily Catania SelectedSicily Catania SelectedPharm Soc GB
56190ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Sicily OrdinarySicily OrdinaryPharm Soc GB

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