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Your search returned 991 results. You searched for Genus: PRUNUS. This is page 22 of 100

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
37977 ROSACEAE Prunus domesticaPokal or beerclub tankardGermanyPokal or beerclub tankard
37979ROSACEAE Prunus amygdalusCarved box of almondGermanyCarved box of almondGrand Duchy of Hesse
37983ROSACEAE Prunus spinosaIrish shillalaghIrelandIrish shillalaghHipkins
38031ROSACEAE Prunus sp.Abnormal growth on Cherry tree rootsUnited KingdomAbnormal growth on Cherry tree rootsKew Gardens
38054ROSACEAE Prunus persicaCankered stem caused by frictionUnited KingdomCankered stem caused by friction
38057ROSACEAE Prunus cflaurocerasusWood injured by larvae of wood leopard mothWood injured by larvae of wood leopard mothMassee G
39490ROSACEAE Prunus armeniacaSeedSeed
39491ROSACEAE Prunus cerasiferaSeedSeed
39492ROSACEAE Prunus communisSeedSeed
39493ROSACEAE Prunus domesticaSeedSeed

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