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Your search returned 991 results. You searched for Genus: PRUNUS. This is page 17 of 100

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
21804ROSACEAE Prunus serotinaWoodUnited StatesWoodSmithsonian Inst.
21805ROSACEAE Prunus serotinaWoodWoodDept. of the Interior, Forestry Branch
21806ROSACEAE Prunus sp.WoodJapanWoodBellasis Capt RO
21807ROSACEAE Prunus sp.WoodJapanWoodBellasis Capt RO
21808ROSACEAE Prunus prostrataWoodIndiaWoodGamble JS (Gamble Man)
24780ROSACEAE Prunus aviumSample of veneerSample of veneerWright John & Sons (Veneers Ltd)
25007ROSACEAE Prunus aviumWoodWoodClutterbuck P
25008ROSACEAE Prunus spinosaGall and woodGall and woodYarborough Earl of
25009ROSACEAE Prunus sp.RootUnited KingdomRoot
25153 ROSACEAE Prunus domesticaSection through a grafted trunkSection through a grafted trunkMasters (Mrs)Masters Dr MT

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