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Your search returned 340 results. You searched for Genus: Olea. This is page 22 of 34

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
50415OLEACEAE Olea europaeaTray of olive woodAustriaTray of olive wood
50416OLEACEAE Olea hochstetterix Olea welwitschii (Knobl.) Gilg. & Schell.Tanzaniax Olea welwitschii (Knobl.) Gilg. & Schell.Jefford
50417OLEACEAE Olea hochstetterix O. welwitschii (Knobl.) Gilg. & Schellenb.Tanzaniax O. welwitschii (Knobl.) Gilg. & Schellenb.Jefford
50419OLEACEAE Olea europaeaFruiting branchItalyFruiting branchPrior Dr Alexander
50420 OLEACEAE Olea spRosary of olive stones and Styrax seedsIsraelRosary of olive stones and Styrax seedsChristy H
50421 OLEACEAE Olea spRosary of olive stones and Styrax seedsIsraelRosary of olive stones and Styrax seedsArcher TC
50422 OLEACEAE Olea cuspidata2 mens combs, 2 womens combsIndia2 mens combs, 2 womens combsStocks Dr
50423OLEACEAE Olea europaeaSpoon of woodIsraelSpoon of woodChristy H
50435OLEACEAE Olea europaeaNorth African Throw StickSudanNorth African Throw StickNewberry Prof PE
50648OLEACEAE Olea europaeaFruitsFruitsPharm Soc GB

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