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Your search returned 340 results. You searched for Genus: Olea. This is page 20 of 34

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
50394 OLEACEAE Olea europaeaLeavesIndiaLeavesParis Exhibition
50395OLEACEAE Olea europaeaOlivesTunisiaOlivesFranco-British Exhib 1908
50396OLEACEAE Olea lanceaFlowersMauritiusFlowersBalfour IB
50397OLEACEAE Olea europaeaOlive stonesGreeceOlive stonesSchweinfurth Dr
50398OLEACEAE Olea europaeaOlive stonesOlive stonesSchweinfurth Dr
50399OLEACEAE Olea europaeaSeeds of Large fruited oliveSeeds of Large fruited oliveSchweinfurth Dr
50400OLEACEAE Olea europaeaOlive oil from the fruitsTunisiaOlive oil from the fruits
50401OLEACEAE Olea europaeaFruit & LeavesSouth AfricaFruit & LeavesSilver SW
50402OLEACEAE Olea spResidue from olivesTunisiaResidue from olivesFranco-British Exhib 1908
50403OLEACEAE Olea spSeedSouth AfricaSeedHutton

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