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Your search returned 340 results. You searched for Genus: Olea. This is page 19 of 34

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
40326OLEACEAE Olea europaeaWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40327OLEACEAE Olea europaeaWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40717 OLEACEAE Olea spFragments of Funeral WreathsEgyptFragments of Funeral WreathsCarter H
40724OLEACEAE Olea europeaolive twigs from pyramidsEgyptolive twigs from pyramidsFlinders Petrie W
40736OLEACEAE Olea europaeaFruit stones of oliveEgyptFruit stones of oliveNewberry Percy E
50383 OLEACEAE Olea europeaFruitsFruitsIndia Museum
50384OLEACEAE Olea acuminataFruitsFruitsStrachey Capt
50391OLEACEAE Olea europeaOlive oil from ZytoonIndiaOlive oil from ZytoonIndia Museum
50392 OLEACEAE Olea europaeaFruitsIndiaFruitsParis Exhibition
50393 OLEACEAE Olea europaeaOil from seedsIndiaOil from seedsColonial & Indian Exhib

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