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Your search returned 340 results. You searched for Genus: Olea. This is page 16 of 34

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
26708 OLEACEAE Olea europaeaLeavesEgyptLeavesMartin Dr GT et alMartin GT
26709OLEACEAE Olea europaeaEgyptBM (Nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W
26710OLEACEAE Olea europaeaSeedEgyptSeedDr SchweinfurthSchweinfurth GA
26714 OLEACEAE Olea europaeaWreath of branchesEgyptWreath of branchesFlinders Petrie Sir WMFlinders Petrie W
26715OLEACEAE Olea europaeaLeaves and woodEgyptLeaves and woodFlinders Petrie Sir WMFlinders Petrie W
26716 OLEACEAE Olea europaeaLeaves and woodEgyptLeaves and woodLeyden MuseumFlinders Petrie W
26717OLEACEAE Olea europaeaTree rootsEgyptTree rootsUCLMartin GT
26718OLEACEAE Olea europaeaWoodEgyptWoodUCLMartin GT
26869OLEACEAE Olea spEgyptUniversity College LondonMartin GT
31304OLEACEAE Olea cunninghamiiWoodNew ZealandWoodInternational Exhibition 1862

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