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Your search returned 174 results. You searched for Genus: Morus. This is page 11 of 18

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
74884MORACEAE Morus albawood & barkUnited Kingdomwood & bark
75092MORACEAE Morus alba 'venosa'wood and barkUnited Kingdomwood and bark
75732MORACEAE Morus albawood and barkUnited Kingdomwood and bark
76044MORACEAE Morus albaFruitsIranFruitsBishop J
77436MORACEAE Morus albaSang-pai rootSang-pai rootPharm Soc GB
78391MORACEAE Morus nigraRoot BarkRoot BarkPharm Soc GB
79019MORACEAE Morus albaWood and barkUnited KingdomWood and bark
79589MORACEAE Morus albaWoodSpainWoodLaboratory of wood technology, Higher school of Mountain Engineers, Spain
79609MORACEAE Morus nigraWoodSpainWoodLaboratory of wood technology, Higher school of Mountain Engineers, Spain
91424MORACEAE Morus albaWoodPakistanWoodBooth

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