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Your search returned 313 results. You searched for Genus: JUGLANS. This is page 8 of 32

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
24350JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaWoodWoodGamble JS
24351JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaWoodIndiaWoodGamble JS
24352JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaWoodWoodGamble JS
24933JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaVeneerFranceVeneerWright John & Sons (Veneers) Ltd
25610JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaVeneered panelVeneered panelLevy EM
26165JUGLANDACEAE Juglans cinereaDuplicateUnited StatesDuplicateDept. of Agric. Washington
26508JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaFruitEgyptFruitBM (Nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W
30074JUGLANDACEAE Juglans nigraWoodUnited KingdomWoodNorthumberland Duke of
30092JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaWoodWood
31285JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaWoodUnited KingdomWoodYockney R St J, Farquharson Timber Ltd. EC2

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