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Your search returned 313 results. You searched for Genus: JUGLANS. This is page 12 of 32

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
42645JUGLANDACEAE Juglans mandshuricaFruitsUnited KingdomFruits
42646JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaFruitsAfghanistanFruitsAitchison Dr
42647JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaAbnormal WalnutsFranceAbnormal WalnutsWackrill Alfred E, 13 Briandale Gardens
42648JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaThin shelled WalnutsPortugalThin shelled WalnutsHowes FN
42649JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaFruitsFruitsEast Malling Research Station
42650JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaShaped piece of woodShaped piece of woodSatow Samuel AM, Berkhamstead, Herts
42651JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaFruitFruitEast Malling Research Station
42652JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaModels of WalnutsModels of WalnutsIndia Museum
42653 JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaFruitIndiaFruitIndia Museum
42654JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaYarn dyed with Walnut husksYarn dyed with Walnut husksPlowright Dr Kings Lynn

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