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Your search returned 313 results. You searched for Genus: JUGLANS. This is page 10 of 32

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
40366JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaWoodItalyWoodXylotomotheca Italica (Curante Adr Fiori)
40505JUGLANDACEAE Juglans nigraWoodUnited StatesWoodBrooks Henry
40688JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaWalnutEgyptWalnut
41865JUGLANDACEAE Juglans spCarving in walnut woodCarving in walnut wood
42072JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaLeavesLeavesPharm Soc GB
42074JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaLeavesBulgariaLeavesPharm Soc GBShipkoff KP
42075JUGLANDACEAE Juglans cinereaBranch BarkUnited StatesBranch BarkPharm Soc GBRusby Dr HH
42081JUGLANDACEAE Juglans nigraNutsNutsPharm Soc GB
42178JUGLANDACEAE Juglans cinereaRoot barkUnited StatesRoot barkPharm Soc GB
42194JUGLANDACEAE Juglans cinereaBark from the rootsUnited StatesBark from the rootsPharm Soc GBRusby Dr HH

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