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Your search returned 489 results. You searched for Genus: Gossypium. This is page 26 of 49

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
71896MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton - finished carded fibreCotton - finished carded fibreGreat Exhib
71897MALVACEAE Gossypium spStages in the manufacture of cottonStages in the manufacture of cottonGreat Exhib
71898MALVACEAE Gossypium spStages in the manufacture of cottonStages in the manufacture of cottonGreat Exhib
71899MALVACEAE Gossypium spStages in the manufacture of cottonStages in the manufacture of cottonGreat Exhib
71900MALVACEAE Gossypium spStages in the manufacture of cottonStages in the manufacture of cottonGreat Exhib
71901MALVACEAE Gossypium spStages in the manufacture of cottonStages in the manufacture of cottonGreat Exhib
71902MALVACEAE Gossypium spStages in the manufacture of cottonStages in the manufacture of cottonGreat Exhib
71903MALVACEAE Gossypium spStages in the manufacture of cottonStages in the manufacture of cottonGreat Exhib
71904MALVACEAE Gossypium spStages in the manufacture of cottonStages in the manufacture of cottonGreat Exhib
71905MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton mule twisted reeled for exportCotton mule twisted reeled for exportGreat Exhib

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