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Your search returned 489 results. You searched for Genus: Gossypium. This is page 12 of 49

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
65527MALVACEAE Gossypium spCottonseed Oil - extra refinedCottonseed Oil - extra refined
65528MALVACEAE Gossypium spCottonseed OilCottonseed OilBritish Empire Exhib
65529MALVACEAE Gossypium spCottonseed Oil - Bombay crudeCottonseed Oil - Bombay crudeHull Oil Extracting Industry
65530MALVACEAE Gossypium spCottonMalawiCottonDr Livingstones ExpeditionKirk J
65531MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton and seedsNigeriaCotton and seedsInter Rubber Exhib Nigerian Court
65532MALVACEAE Gossypium barbadenseCotton podsMexicoCotton podsParis Exhib
65533MALVACEAE Gossypium spNew Orleans Cotton BollsIndiaNew Orleans Cotton BollsIndia Museum
65534MALVACEAE Gossypium spIca Cotton and seedsPeruIca Cotton and seedsSpruce, RichardSpruce, Richard
65535MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton capsule contentsPeruCotton capsule contentsSpruce, RichardSpruce, Richard
65536MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton seed "Hinginghat"IndiaCotton seed "Hinginghat"India Museum

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