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Your search returned 1197 results. You searched for Genus: Eria. This is page 55 of 120

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
46086LABIATAE Micromeria julianaHerb TeaGreeceHerb TeaStubbs Mrs J, RBG Kew
46347ACANTHACEAE Barleria lichtensteinanaPortion of PlantSouth AfricaPortion of PlantBolus H
46349ACANTHACEAE Barleria prionitisPortion of PlantIndiaPortion of PlantIndia Museum
46351 ACANTHACEAE Barleria acanthoidesPlantsSomaliaPlantsPerry WW
46421PEDALIACEAE Rogeria adenophyllaFruitsEthiopiaFruitsBentham G
46422PEDALIACEAE Rogeria longifloraFruitsNamibiaFruitsBaines TAnderson CI
46423PEDALIACEAE Rogeria adenophyllaFruitsEthiopiaFruitsBentham G
46424PEDALIACEAE Rogeria longifloraFruit and seedsNamibiaFruit and seedsBaines T
46619 BIGNONIACEAE Zeyheria digitalisFruits & SeedsFruits & Seeds
46620BIGNONIACEAE Zeyheria tuberculosaFruit & SeedsFruit & Seeds

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