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Your search returned 36 results. You searched for Genus: Chisocheton. This is page 3 of 4

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
74535MELIACEAE Chisocheton sp.wood & barkBruneiwood & barkDr Ken Ogata
74580MELIACEAE Chisocheton sp.wood & barkBruneiwood & barkDr ken Ogata
74584MELIACEAE Chisocheton pentandruswood & barkBruneiwood & barkDr Ken Ogata
74653MELIACEAE Chisocheton sp.wood & barkBruneiwood & barkDr Ken Ogata
74685MELIACEAE Chisocheton sp.wood & barkBruneiwood & barkDr Ken Ogata
76139MELIACEAE Chisocheton spWoodIndonesiaWoodDavis A, Mahyar UW, Jitmau M et al
91214MELIACEAE Chisocheton sarawakanusWood and barkBruneiWood and barkCoode MJECoode MJE
91221MELIACEAE Chisocheton lansiifoliusWood and barkBruneiWood and barkCoode MJECoode MJE

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