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Your search returned 183 results. You searched for Genus: COMBRETUM. This is page 8 of 19

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
56687COMBRETACEAE Combretum zeyheriGum/ResinGum/ResinTrapnell CG
56688COMBRETACEAE Combretum glutinosumGum/ResinNigeriaGum/ResinElliot WR
56689COMBRETACEAE Combretum glutinosumFruitNigerFruitDr Baikie's Niger Expedition 1859
56690COMBRETACEAE Combretum truncatumAsh of burnt woodAsh of burnt woodKirk Sir J
56691COMBRETACEAE Combretum glutinosumFruitsSudanFruitsPetherick J Consul
56692COMBRETACEAE Combretum hartmannianumBarkSudanBarkTropical Products Inst
56695COMBRETACEAE Combretum collinumBarkTanzaniaBarkGreenway
56698COMBRETACEAE Combretum sundaicumLeavesMalaysiaLeavesCarruthers JB
56700COMBRETACEAE Combretum spGum and necklace of gumAustraliaGum and necklace of gumClement Dr
67097 COMBRETACEAE Combretum coccineaFruitsGuyanaFruitsForestry Exhibition Edinburgh 1884

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