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Your search returned 284 results. You searched for Genus: COFFEA. This is page 16 of 29

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
53572RUBIACEAE Coffea spEmpty Berry CoffeeMalawiEmpty Berry CoffeeMahon J
53573RUBIACEAE Coffea arabicaCoffee BeansCoffee Beans
53574RUBIACEAE Coffea spCoffee FruitsUgandaCoffee FruitsWilson Rev CF
53575RUBIACEAE Coffea spCoffee BeansUgandaCoffee BeansBrit Emp Exhib
53576RUBIACEAE Coffea spCoffee BeansUgandaCoffee BeansWhyte A
53577RUBIACEAE Coffea spCoffee BeansDominicaCoffee BeansImray Dr
53578RUBIACEAE Coffea libericax C. stenophylla (Hybrid) Coffee BerriesMalaysiax C. stenophylla (Hybrid) Coffee BerriesBailey WW
53579RUBIACEAE Coffea stenophyllaHybrid fruitsTrinidad and TobagoHybrid fruitsCol Exhib Crystal Palace
53580RUBIACEAE Coffea stenophyllaCoffee BeansSierra LeoneCoffee BeansGovt of Sierra Leone
53581RUBIACEAE Coffea spCoffee BeansKenyaCoffee Beans

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