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Your search returned 30 results. You searched for Genus: Acrocomia. This is page 2 of 3

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
34911 PALMAE Acrocomia aculeataFruitFruitBurchell WJ Dr
34912 PALMAE Acrocomia aculeataFruits of YawarraGuyanaFruits of YawarraIm Thurn Sir EF
34913 PALMAE Acrocomia aculeataSeedsSeedsSamuelson J & Sons
34932 PALMAE Acrocomia aculeataSpatheGuyanaSpatheThurn Sir EF im
34933PALMAE Acrocomia spCarved BeadsCarved Beads
34935 PALMAE Acrocomia aculeataUpper portion of spathe of Mackaw PalmJamaicaUpper portion of spathe of Mackaw PalmMorris D
34936 PALMAE Acrocomia aculeataPortion of spathePortion of spatheLehmann FC
35050 PALMAE Acrocomia aculeataSpadixBrazilSpadixWallace & Bates
38853 PALMAE Acrocomia aculeataSpadix and spatheJamaicaSpadix and spatheWilson N
38854 PALMAE Acrocomia aculeataSpatheBrazilSpatheWallace & Bates

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