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Your search returned 462 results. You searched for Genus: ACER. This is page 33 of 47

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
79612ACERACEAE Acer platanoidesWoodSpainWoodLaboratory of wood technology, Higher school of Mountain Engineers, Spain
79999ACERACEAE Acer argutumWood and barkJapanWood and barkForestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan
90001ACERACEAE Acer diabolicumWood and barkJapanWood and barkForestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan
90020ELAEOCARPACEAE Aceratium ferrugineumWood and barkAustraliaWood and barkBalgooy MMJv
91431ACERACEAE Acer saccharinumWoodCanadaWoodBoothDepartment of Forestry Forest Products Research Branch
91443ACERACEAE Acer saccharinumWoodCanadaWoodBoothDepartment of Forestry Forest Products Research Branch
91714ACERACEAE Acer campestreWoodWood
91715ACERACEAE Acer plananoidesWoodWood
91716ACERACEAE Acer pseudoplatanusWoodWood
94853ACERACEAE Acer spMaple seedsMaple seedsHarrod Materia Medica Collection

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