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Your search returned 462 results. You searched for Genus: ACER. This is page 25 of 47

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
62233 ACERACEAE Acer negundoInner barkUnited StatesInner barkPharm Soc GB
62235ACERACEAE Acer spEnvelope of thin wood shavingSwitzerlandEnvelope of thin wood shavingFrere GE, Switzerland
62236ACERACEAE Acer spicatumBarkUnited StatesBarkBowyer & Bartleet, London
62237ACERACEAE Acer spGenuine maple sugarUnited StatesGenuine maple sugarAA Leland, Johnson, Vermont
62238ACERACEAE Acer spDouble refined maple sugarCanadaDouble refined maple sugarRoyal Comm Exhib 1851
62239ACERACEAE Acer spPaper made from maple woodUnited StatesPaper made from maple woodBoot Dr
62240ACERACEAE Acer spAmerican clothes pegsUnited StatesAmerican clothes pegs
62241ACERACEAE Acer campestreButter prints - Half pound sizeButter prints - Half pound sizeBerkeley Rev MJ
62242ACERACEAE Acer spBall of woodSwitzerlandBall of woodAlexander Dr
62243ACERACEAE Acer spWooden cup / bowlWooden cup / bowlAitchison Dr

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