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Your search returned 462 results. You searched for Genus: ACER. This is page 20 of 47

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
37694ACERACEAE Acer pseudoplatanusFunnelFunnel
37698ACERACEAE Acer pseudoplatanusCased butterprintCased butterprint
37701ACERACEAE Acer pseudoplatanusLadel of SycamoreLadel of Sycamore
37705ACERACEAE Acer pseudoplatanusButterknife of SycamoreButterknife of Sycamore
37708ACERACEAE Acer pseudoplatanusButter pat of SycamoreButter pat of Sycamore
37782ACERACEAE Acer spTwo American Indian Clubs of MapleCanadaTwo American Indian Clubs of MapleSaunders
37805ACERACEAE Acer campestrisTobacco pipe of mapleTobacco pipe of maple
37984ACERACEAE Acer campestrePolice cudgel of mapleUnited KingdomPolice cudgel of mapleSage T
38035ACERACEAE Acer campestreBranch growing through flint stoneBranch growing through flint stoneHooper Dr
38088ACERACEAE Acer spCoral spot on SycamoreCoral spot on Sycamore

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