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Your search returned 769 results. You searched for the family: ZINGIBERACEAE. This is page 12 of 77

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
29417ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma spRhizomesSierra LeoneRhizomesBr. Emp. Exhib. 1924
29418ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma spRhizomesIndiaRhizomesIndian Forest Dept.
29419ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma spRootsIndiaRootsDuthie JF
29420ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma spChopped RhizomesIndiaChopped RhizomesIndia Museum
29421ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma spRootNigeriaRootMoiser Dr
29422ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma longaRhizomeNigeriaRhizomeInter Rubber Exhib
29423ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma spRhizomesMalawiRhizomesImperial Institute
29424ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma spRhizomesDominicaRhizomesCol. & Ind. Exhib.
29425ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma spRhizomesChinaRhizomesLondon Drug Market
29426ZINGIBERACEAE Curcuma spRhizomesSouth AfricaRhizomesBurtt-Davy J

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