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Your search returned 1798 results. You searched for the family: ROSACEAE. This is page 54 of 180

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
26985ROSACEAE Rubus spSwitzerland
26992ROSACEAE Prunus aviumSwitzerland
30085ROSACEAE Prunus aviumWoodUnited KingdomWoodSellar Gerard Craig
31310ROSACEAE Fagraea spWoodWoodBritish Empire Exhibition
31312ROSACEAE Sorbus torminalisWoodUnited KingdomWoodEede John & Butt & Sons
31323ROSACEAE Sorbus ariaWoodUnited KingdomWoodEarl of Beauchamp
31326ROSACEAE Sorbus aucupariaWoodUnited KingdomWoodEarl of Yarborough
31332ROSACEAE Pygeum africanumWoodWoodEast African Protectorate For. Dept.
31506ROSACEAE Prunus sp.WoodWood
31567ROSACEAE Crataegus oxyacanthaWoodUnited KingdomWoodMoray Earl of

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