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Your search returned 1798 results. You searched for the family: ROSACEAE. This is page 34 of 180

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
8645ROSACEAE Rubus ellipticusWoodIndiaWoodIndian For. Dept.
8646ROSACEAE Sorbus alnifoliaWoodJapanWoodHayashi S, Kyoto University
8647ROSACEAE Sorbus americanaWoodUnited StatesWoodSargent Prof CS
8648ROSACEAE Sorbus ariaWoodWoodWatt Dr
8649ROSACEAE Sorbus ariaWoodUnited KingdomWoodYarborough Earl of
8650ROSACEAE Sorbus ariaWoodWoodMedical Superintendent, King Edward VII's Sanatorium
8651ROSACEAE Sorbus ariaWoodAlgeriaWoodPlayfair Lt. Col.
8652ROSACEAE Sorbus aucupariaWoodUSSRWoodYatsenko-Khmelersky Prof AA
8653ROSACEAE Sorbus aucupariaWoodWoodLawsonian Collection, Exhibition
8654ROSACEAE Sorbus aucupariaWoodUnited KingdomWoodLawson & Sons

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