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Your search returned 1798 results. You searched for the family: ROSACEAE. This is page 31 of 180

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
8615ROSACEAE Prunus cerasoidesWoodIndiaWoodIndian For. Dept.
8616ROSACEAE Pyrus communisWoodUnited KingdomWoodRBG Kew
8617ROSACEAE Pyrus communisWoodAfghanistanWoodAitch Surgeon-Major
8618ROSACEAE Pyrus communisWoodIsraelWood
8619ROSACEAE Pyrus communisWoodWoodSlater Price T Dr
8620ROSACEAE Pyrus communisWoodUnited KingdomWoodYarborough Earl
8621ROSACEAE Pyrus communisWoodIsraelWoodVester FR Messrs & Co
8622ROSACEAE Pyrus communisWoodItalyWoodGreat Exhib. 1851
8623ROSACEAE Pyrus coronariaWoodUnited StatesWoodSargent Prof CS
8624ROSACEAE Pyrus foliolosaWoodIndiaWoodIndian Forest Dept.

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