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Your search returned 1798 results. You searched for the family: ROSACEAE. This is page 22 of 180

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
8525ROSACEAE Prunus lusitanicaWoodSpainWoodBourgeau M
8526ROSACEAE Prunus nepalensisWoodIndiaWoodIndian For. Dept.
8527ROSACEAE Prunus macrophyllaWoodJapanWoodRegel Dr
8528ROSACEAE Prunus padusWoodWoodLawsonian Collection, Exhib.
8529ROSACEAE Prunus padusWoodIndiaWoodBM (Nat. Hist.)
8530ROSACEAE Prunus padusWoodIndiaWoodIndian For. Dept.
8531ROSACEAE Prunus padusWoodWoodLawsonian Collection, Exhib.
8532ROSACEAE Prunus padusWoodIndiaWoodIndian For. Dept.
8533 ROSACEAE Prunus pensylvanicaWoodCanadaWoodBM (Nat. Hist.)
8534ROSACEAE Prunus pennsylvanicaWoodUnited StatesWood

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