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Your search returned 923 results. You searched for the family: MALVACEAE. This is page 86 of 93

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
95889MALVACEAE Gossypium herbaceumCotton root barkCotton root barkHarrod Materia Medica CollectionPSGBE
95959MALVACEAE Althaea officinalisMarsh-mallow leafMarsh-mallow leafHarrod Materia Medica CollectionPSGBE
95964MALVACEAE Althaea officinalisMarshmallow flowersMarshmallow flowersHarrod Materia Medica Collection
96027MALVACEAE Althaea officinalisPowdered marshmallow rootPowdered marshmallow rootHarrod Materia Medica CollectionTuscher, Geoffrey Emile
96073MALVACEAE Althaea officinalisAlthaea rootAlthaea rootHarrod Materia Medica CollectionWilliam Ransom & Son
96091MALVACEAE Abelmoschus moschatusDemerara musk seedDemerara musk seedHarrod Materia Medica CollectionBalfour, Thomas Alexander Goldie
96292MALVACEAE Gossypium herbaceumIndian cotton seedIndiaIndian cotton seedHarrod Materia Medica CollectionBalfour, Thomas Alexander Goldie
96293MALVACEAE Gossypium herbaceumAmerican cotton seedUnited StatesAmerican cotton seedHarrod Materia Medica CollectionPSGBE
96653MALVACEAE Gossypium spCrude East African cotton seed oilCrude East African cotton seed oilHarrod Materia Medica Collection
96783MALVACEAE Hibiscus rosa-sinensisHibiscus rosa-sinensis leavesHibiscus rosa-sinensis leavesHarrod Materia Medica CollectionBalfour, Thomas Alexander Goldie

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