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Your search returned 923 results. You searched for the family: MALVACEAE. This is page 80 of 93

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
73229MALVACEAE Gossypium spJavanese body clothIndonesiaJavanese body cloth
73230MALVACEAE Gossypium arboreumJavanese body clothIndonesiaJavanese body clothHenshall J
73231MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton material - 2 piecesNigeriaCotton material - 2 piecesBaikie Dr
73254MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton seed and fuzzUgandaCotton seed and fuzzRobinson J & Co, Bristol
73258MALVACEAE Stamp for cotton clothIndiaStamp for cotton clothStocks JE
73262MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton seed after ginningUgandaCotton seed after ginning
73270MALVACEAE Gossypium spTsumugi cloth (cotton & silk)JapanTsumugi cloth (cotton & silk)Price WR
73299MALVACEAE Gossypium spCotton podAfghanistanCotton podAitchison Dr
73303MALVACEAE Gossypium spPlaits for ladies hatsGermanyPlaits for ladies hatsPaul Walser & Co
73312MALVACEAE Gossypium spBollsIndiaBollsIndia Museum

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